Archive | March, 2012

Project 4: Repetition and Variation – Moving Image

13 Mar

For project four we created a minute long video focusing on repetition and variation using audio. Using the razor blade tool, cut, copy and paste we rearranged the original videos it into a new composition. This project was done in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Exercise 4: Animation in Photoshop

13 Mar

This was a quick in-class assignment. Using the background we created the first week of class we were asked to create a short animation of a basketball bouncing. Until this assignment I did not know that you could animate objects in Photoshop. It takes a second to do but  would be great if you ever needed a quick small animation. The screen shots above are of my attempt at “stretch and squash.”

Video link: ART1531 Animation using Photoshop (Spring 2012)

Project 3 : Collage and Appropriation

13 Mar

For project three we were asked to create a photo-collage. The goal was to select at least five images from the internet and put them into an environment that shifted their meaning. The new meaning of the combined images could be humorous, political, surreal etc. I choose to create a piece that poked fun at reality TV celebrities and their pervasiveness.  This piece was done in Photoshop.